Recommended Access from Bromley Road
The path through the lych gate opposite the NatWest Bank in Bromley Road is level with the street and the interior of the church. There are no steps. It gives the easiest access to the church.
Access through the Churhcyard
The Arts at St George’s does not recommend accessing the church through the churchyard from St George’s Road or from Beckenham Green particularly for those who are elderly, infirm or disabled (especially those using walking aids and frames or wheelchairs and mobility scooters) whether accompanied or not.
The Churchyard and Possible Hazards
Large parts of the churchyard paths comprise old gravestones which can be extremely slippery and treacherous.
Off these paths the ground is uneven and numerous trip hazards exist, for example, low fencing and graves particularly if access is made from Beckenham Green, which is not recommended.
Bromley Council is responsible for the maintenance of the churchyard, its trees and paths.
People accessing and leaving the church via the churchyard do so at their own risk and should take care, particularly at night.
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) accepts no responsibility or liability for loss of or damage to property or injury or accident to those walking through or using the churchyard.
Interior of the Building
The areas open to the public for concerts and other events are step free. However, the pews sit on low plinths raised above floor level, as a result all those entering and leaving the pews need to exercise due care.