Christopher Bruerton

First Baritone

Forthcoming Events (1)

Friday 27th June 2025, 8:00 pm: The King’s Singers – Angels and Demons


It all started in December 1994. I was taken to the Anglican service of Nine Lessons and Carols at Christ Church Cathedral, New Zealand, and as the choir proceeded down the aisle, I whispered to Mum and Dad, ‘l want to be in that choir.’ Then in 2010, after fifteen years in that very cathedral choir, I moved to England to pursue my lifetime ambition of becoming a professional singer, as well as being closer to Liz, whom I married in 2017. I had been teaching and conducting choirs at Burnside High School, where I had also been a student, but I got to the point where I felt that if I didn’t give singing a go then I’d always regret it.

Little more than a year after taking the long flight over from New Zealand, a dream of combining my love of performing and travelling soon became a reality. I have loved every moment since making my debut with The King’s Singers. I am so fortunate to have been able to sing in world renowned concert halls from New York to Sydney, Beijing to London, and everywhere in between. But I get the biggest buzz from being able to pass on my experiences to the next generation of musicians through the education work we deliver across the world, both in-person and online. There is no greater joy for me than seeing others making their first steps in a cappella and ensemble singing.

Joining The King’s Singers has given me the opportunity to travel all over the world and sing in places I once only dreamed of. And for a humble Kiwi, having been an audience member for the group’s 40th Anniversary, being in The King’s Singers as it celebrated 50 years was more than I could ever have imagined. Add to that being happily married to Liz…l really am living the dream!



The Arts at St. George's